Other Local videos

Arte y Danza

In Galicia there is an intense tradition of dance, which includes Galician folk dances, classical dance, and other more modern trends. The Galician intangible heritage in this field is very varied, and includes unique dances such as the “muiñeira”, and other dances that come to be the fusion of different heritages coming from emigration, or from the coexistence with other artistic forms in Spain. In this case, the team of the dance school “Arte y Danza” shows us an example of contemporary dance, with its own choreography that illustrates the variety of dance in Galicia, and the variety in the existing heritage, reaching very different styles and trends.

It should be noted that this fragment has been produced showing different local artistic works, providing a video with a high visual component, in a cultural environment where video and cinema are experiencing a very important boom, offering a generation of video artists who are making a relevant leap to cinema or television, with great success and recognition.

Open-air concert

Galician folklore is an outstanding example of the cultural and musical diversity existing in Spain; closer to Celtic music than to any other existing typical trend in the country, and with an outstanding oral tradition that has brought to our days a rich heritage of voices, songs, and ways of singing. 

In this context, during the last few years different groups and artists have emerged who have tried to mix the tradition of Galician music and singing with the new waves existing in contemporary popular music. 

Among all of them, the group Tanxugueiras stands out, that has achieved great popularity in Spain, where after becoming known with a song “Figa”, with the song called “Terra” they obtained more than 70% of the votes of the public in the official competition to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. Despite being rejected by the jury, their popularity has not stopped growing, and here we can see them in a recent live concert where, once again, they mix Galician musical heritage with current modern music.

Ethnographic works in Morrazo

This video given to restART for ART by the A.C. Peis D’hos is a sample of another variety of Galician popular music, showing its richness beyond the traditional sounds of the bagpipes. In it you can listen to a type of music very present in the traditional Galician festivities and local pilgrimages, while a brief approach to different local cultural manifestations linked to the Galician culture is made; including traditional dresses and local dances.

I will go to Darbo

This valuable video given to restART for ART by A.C. Peis D’hos stages a traditional Galician local festival in a village, in a geographical context where thousands of small villages have their own festivals. You can see traditional costumes, and the meeting of the music of the people and the official music of bands, which also has strong presence in Galicia. Besides being a gateway to the Galician musical heritage, this video brings visitors closer to a fragment of a local Galician pilgrimage, moments of leisure, eating, drinking, singing and dancing, which were and are usually shared, especially in summer. Each village celebrates them with its own traditions and culinary customs, but in all of them there is always local music and dancing.

Raúl and friends

Beyond folk music, Spain, and particularly Galicia, as a land of emigrants, is a place where fusion arises naturally, and where crossbreeding and mixing enrich old cultural and musical heritages, providing new artistic paths. In the musical field, the presence of different styles to the traditional Galician styles is very common, with a very open attitude, and even in areas where folklore is deeply rooted, other musical trends and traditions can be found. At the same time, in an environment where the act of eating or dining has a certain part of ritual, or social event, music is present as part of the party or, simply, forming a pleasant atmosphere in which to share food, drink and conversation. In this case, as an example of this, we see a group of local musicians in a restaurant in a small coastal village, where they improvise by mixing different local and foreigner styles while the diners drink, eat and chat.