Cultural local partners

Spanish National Culture and influences

Description of Spanish culture and its influences

Local culture, events and manifestations

Cultural events and manifestations in Galicia

Cultural local partners

Description and activities

Cultural Local Partners

Spain has a great variety of culture with different origins according to each region. Although we are located in the northwest of Spain we will try to contact different entities from all the country to cover as much Spanish culture as possible.

Previous to the start of restART for ART project we contacted different local cultural associations to present the project and offer the possibility to collaborate with it as local associated partners. In this stage various entities have been reached showing great interest for the project development and also Erasmus+ program, which most of them did not know about.

We got in touch with different entities related to dance, traditional Galician folk music, orchestras and music associations, and also singing. All of them showed clear interest in the project and will also be happy to help us with the dissemination activities.

Arte & Danza

It is a multidisciplinary space where dance, art, photography and theatre cohabit giving each person the opportunity to explore and learn from the others while enjoying a fully environment of culture and art.

Its students have participated in different contest both at national and international level.

Orquesta y coro Gaos

It is an association which counts with an orchestra and a Choir for anyone who enjoys music.

The orchestra: It started in 2009 and is made up of about 80 members. More than 450 musicians from Galicia have participated in it: students from higher conservatories and teachers have passed through the symphonic group. It develops an important concert activity offering more than 80 concerts and more than 35 Galician musicians participating as soloists, some of which already have a long career.

In 2010 they have recorded CDs with Galician songs orchestrated by Juan Durán together with the soprano Cristina Gallardo-Dômas. Since 2011 it has offered the traditional Christmas concert of the IBS Padre Rubinos, inviting consecrated artists together with the Gaos Choir. In addition to their own concert season, both in A Coruña and in the rest of the Galician community, they have invited important musicians to take care of the training and improvement of its members, such as David Grimal, violinist and director of Les Dissonances or David Ethéve, main cello of the GSO.

Likewise, it performs contemporary music concerts, premiering works by new composers, collaborates with the Galician composers’ association, promotes the formation of different unconventional groups and ensembles within the orchestra itself, and offers symphonic concerts with artists of other genres such as Los Secrets or Raphael.

The Choir: It started in 2010 and is made up of 55 voices and all of them have extensive experience in different community choirs. Its activity is divided between  repertoire “a cappella” and symphonic – choral music, with a special emphasis on opera.

They have participated in the Festival of Friends of the Opera, and, subsequently, in the Lyric Season of A Coruña, working on productions with important batons, stage directors and singers, among which the conductors such as Gómez Martínez stand out, Ramón Tébar or Keri-Lynn Wilson, stage directors like Mario Pontiggia or Alfonso Romeu and singers like Celso Albelo, Gregory Kunde, Juan Jesús Rodríguez or Marianne Cornetti.

In 2011 and 2012 they participated in the I and II Series of Cathedrals singing the Requiem Mass by WA Mozart and the Messa dei Gloria by G. Puccini together with the Gaos Orchestra on the occasion of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Since then, they have participated and won different contests at National level.

In September 2015 a new project was launched: the minigaos, two children’s choirs with which to install a passion for music and choral singing from the grassroots.

Fernando Briones is the artistic and musical director of the Gaos Choir and Orchestra, whose honorary member is Maestro Cristóbal Halffter.